Medicare Advantage Expert: Focusing on healthcare is important in every aspect and phase of life. However, a much-needed wake-up call came in the face of the pandemic. Many people realized the importance of healthcare and looking after themselves in general after the pandemic hit.

Hence, consequently, it has been a good change of pace ever since. Now there is more people willing to enroll in health insurance programs such as Medicare Advantage. Now we can say they are looking towards a healthy future.

However, many people don’t realize that it is essential that people prioritize their healthcare needs. They need to make an informed and educated decision regarding the insurance plan they are choosing. After all, it will be a deciding factor for your health.

But how can you know for sure if what you know about your preferred choice of health insurance program is true or not? Let us help you out. We have compiled a 9-point checklist. This will assure you all the right signs if you’re a Medicare Advantage Expert or not.

Mark through all the pointers and decide for yourself if the decision you make is an educated one. I shouldn’t be just based on many friends’ opinions and whatever your budget allows. Let’s get started, shall we?

✔ You know the difference between Original Medicare & Medicare Advantage.

You must first believe that you have enough knowledgeable about what a Medicare Advantage is. Then you have to know the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. If you already know that Original Medicare comprises Part A and Part B. Also, you know Medicare Advantage is known as Part C, then this is a good start.

✔ You know the difference between Medicare Advantage & Medicare Supplement.

Next in line is the difference between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement. Many people tend to get confused about these two more often than the difference of the former with Original Medicare. Hence, if you know that Medicare Supplement is indeed a supplementary plan for Original Medicare Part A and B – bridging the gaps left by it – then you can check this off.

✔ You know the five main types of Medicare Advantage

To somewhat consider yourself as a Medicare Advantage Expert, you must know more than the basics. Not many people can be confident in naming the five main types of Medicare Advantage plans. Therefore, if you can name no one or two but all five of them, then you can check this one-off. The following are the five main types of Medicare Advantage:

  1. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans
  2. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans
  3. Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) Plans
  4. Special Needs Plans (SNPs)
  5. Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plans

✔ You have done a fair amount of research regarding Medicare Advantage

Research is crucial to keeping your facts straight and confident that what you know is correct. Spend a fair amount of time researching the aspects of Medicare Advantage. Moreover, it is great if you continue with your research. You can help others around you make a knowledgeable decision when choosing health insurance programs like it.

✔ You keep regular tabs on news and updates regarding Medicare Advantage.

Many people read and research a topic once and think that that is enough. However, they only end up cutting their losses. It is essential to keep regular tabs on news and updates regarding it. Not only because that is the right thing to do but more importantly because Medicare Advantage factors tend to fluctuate. Staying updated with recent information may help make you a better decision.

✔ You understand the cost breakdown of Medicare Advantage

Many people can easily get overwhelmed when it comes to the cost, premiums, and payments of Medicare Advantage. However, only a truly knowledgeable person will understand the cost breakdown of it and will be okay with it. Therefore, if you know how the premiums of Medicare Advantage work, you can check this one-off.

✔ You rely on professionals to correct you.

As it is said that a truly knowledgeable person knows they know nothing, the same is the case here. If you know all about it yet you rely on professionals to correct you, fact checks you, or criticize your stance while taking it in an appositive stride – then you can check this one-off.

✔ You are satisfied with Medicare Advantage benefits.

Utmost satisfaction with Medicare Advantage plans will come if you have the proper knowledge, guidance, and expertise regarding the matter. If you are forcing yourself to stay in the plan and going with the flow. This just means you are not educated enough. However, if you are completely satisfied with it, you can check it off.

✔ You can easily carry a conversation regarding Medicare Advantage.

Lastly, it is one thing to know everything about it, but it is entirely another facet to share that knowledge. Being able to carry a conversation about it confidence. Hence, now you feel confident in sharing your expertise. You also have strong opinions about it, and carry a conversation about it with peers. Now you can check this one off and proclaim yourself as a true Medicare Advantage Expert.

Medicare Advantage


Choosing the right Medicare Advantage plan for yourself can be challenging. The information available from insurers is often lengthy and confusing. United Insurance is here to break down the facts and guide your best plan forward. There are several types of Medicare Advantage plans to choose from. We are pleased to help you make the right decision. Contact us today to get started on your Medicare Advantage journey!