Technology has helped many healthcare programs in the past. After all, growing with technology and matching its pace is the future for everyone.

They have been streamlining workflow for the Medicare insurance carriers. Also, by making Medicare healthcare plans more accessible to the beneficiaries, technology greatly impacts this. This benefits the senior community in interacting with it.

According to research, the number of Medicare beneficiaries will reach more than 80 million by 2030. Hence, it is only a matter of time when technology completely takes over and significantly changes Medicare for the better. So it is safe to say that proactive virtual healthcare will ease the clinical burden of healthcare insurance like Medicare and reactive services.

Increased Medicare Beneficiary Usage by Smartphones

According to Pew Global research, technology adoption for the age group of 65 and above is rising. In fact, almost 72% of US adults now own a smartphone with almost 100% efficient usage of the internet. This shows that the stigma against technology usage by older adults is now breaking up for the better. An evident increase in the number of smartphone usage in older adults is great news for Medicare. This now is their primary target where they market to people of age 60 years and more. Familiarity with the target market with technological trends means a shift for Medicare. This heads them towards online health insurance, and this makes it easier and inevitable.


Medicare Advantage Plans Positively Impacted By the Pandemic

Although many industries were negatively impacted by the pandemic. The healthcare insurance industry – particularly Medicare wasn’t one of them. In fact, with the pandemic on the rise as of 2022, Medicare Advantage plans were increasingly adopted. This is thanks to telemedicine facilities.

As the whiff of success went viral, it was only a matter of time that The Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services gave telemedicine the green light. This will be efficiently used as a treatment for COVID-19 and successfully branch out further for other ailments. This has been one of the most successful technology ventures for it in decades. People have gratefully adopted a new way of acquiring medicine and healthcare.

Multi-year eMedicare Initiative for the Win

It is clear as day that technology can make things a whole lot easier for everyone. This includes the senior citizens, with their healthcare coverage programs. So CMS launched a multi-year eMedicare initiative. They had its goal to “empower patients and update Medicare resources”. This brought more personalized Medicare experience for the seniors. CMS has added over 135 additional services to Medicare Advantage plans to be monitored virtually. From inpatient duties to nursing facilities, management services, discharge paperwork, and other clinical visitations – the eMedicare initiative is certainly for the win in technology and Medicare.

Better Remote Patient Monitoring

As we already discussed, telehealth coverage within Medicare Advantage plans is substantially rising. Therefore, it only makes sense that remote patient monitoring will only become better from now onwards. In 2022 RPM has become a priority. This includes guidelines for using medical devices for enhancing remote patient monitoring experience, a revised definition manual for supervision of COVID-19 patients, and easier to understand payment policies through online channels.

As remote patient monitoring is the best route for high-risk patients, Medicare Advantage providing coverage for RPM means more people would be willing to acquire proper healthcare and take good safety measures instead of denial and going unreported.

Telehealth and Telemedicine Is the Future

According to a report by McKinsey on healthcare, it suggests that usage of tech-enabled consumer healthcare goods will significantly increase if the awareness of these tools grows. Therefore, health insurance carriers and Medicare providers must increase awareness of telehealth and telemedicine usage with their clients.

The digital gap between adults and technology is slowly decreasing. It’s only a matter of time when everyone has matched their pace. This will be with new and efficient ways of healthcare, projected by technology. Therefore, education programs and campaigns to increase awareness with the senior consumers are a must.

Bottom Line

Whether you are on the receiving end of the insurance carrier for your client, technology greatly impacts Medicare and makes healthcare insurance and the whole healthcare industry system better, easier, efficient, and accessible.

United Insurance is a national company helping members of the community choose the best Medicare options available. United’s mission is to guide seniors proactively by offering a clear picture of today’s healthcare coverage options.  We bestow a true family environment built on honor and trust. Focus on dedication to professionalism, knowledge, and follow-through is our recipe for winning the hearts of our customers. Contact us to get started right away!