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Medicare may be a federal program designed to make quality healthcare accessible to the elderly and disabled. But, its various little costs can add up, making it quite an expensive package. But, as they say, there’s always a way out; there are some ways to save money and make your Medicare plan a little more affordable. Medicare SELECT is one such option.

What is Medicare SELECT?

Medicare SELECT is one of the ten standard Medicare Supplement plans targeted at people who need additional coverage that Medigap offers but can’t afford high monthly premiums. It comes with low monthly premiums, allowing more people to get coverage for “gaps” in their Original Medicare plan without breaking their bank. But, it doesn’t come without strings attached.

Medicare SELECT plan has a more restrictive network of hospitals and doctors than other supplemental Medicare plans. Hence, the lower premium.

Medicare Advantage

What are the Conditions of the Medicare SELECT Plan?

It operates pretty much like Medicare Advantage HMO plans, with the following three important attributes:

  1. You’re not allowed to go to a hospital or a doctor outside your Medicare SELECT network unless it’s an emergency.
  2. If you break this rule otherwise, you will have to pay all the expenses on your own after Medicare pays its share of Original Medicare coverage.
  3. Medicare SELECT requires you to get a referral from your primary care doctor to see a specialist. Other Medicare Supplement plans do not have this ‘referral’ condition.

The biggest downside of the Medicare SELECT plan is that it’s not available in every state.

Enrolling in Medicare SELECT

Like any other Medicare Supplement plan, the best time to sign up for Medicare SELECT is during the Medigap Open Enrollment Period. For those who may not know, there is no one fixed Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period; it can be unique to each beneficiary depending on when one chooses to enroll in Medicare.

The Open Enrollment Period for Medigap plans, including the SELECT program, starts the day your Medicare Part B becomes effective and lasts for a period of six months.

You have to be 65 years or older to qualify for Medicare Supplement plans.

There are several advantages to enrolling during this initial period. These include:

  • You can buy any Medicare Supplement plan available in your state
  • You will not be denied coverage even if you have preexisting health conditions
  • You get the best rates

While you will still be able to enroll in Medicare SELECT after this initial open enrolment period, you will have to go through the medical underwriting process and may be charged more for your plan.

Is Medicare SELECT Right for You?

You have to decide for yourself. There are various situations where Medicare SELECT may be the right choice, but it certainly has limitations. Consider the pros and cons of Medicare SELECT carefully to make a decision.

The most important thing to consider when deciding if Medicare SELECT is right for you is the ‘network’. Find out what hospitals and doctors come in the SELECT network in your area and see if you’re happy with them. Also, since these plans require referrals for seeing a specialist, you won’t have the liberty to choose your specialist doctors yourself. Consider how important it is for you to have this liberty.

Here are a few more things we recommend considering before making a decision:

  • Are there any specific hospitals/doctors you go to? If yes, do they come under your Medicare SELECT network?
  • How often would you likely need to see a doctor out of the network?
  • How much would you be saving on premiums, and how much would you likely be spending on seeking health care out of network? How much would you likely save in the end?
  • How often do you travel? [Medicare SELECT has a limited coverage area]

Medicare SELECT may be the right choice for you if:

  • If you like the healthcare provider’s network.
  • You wouldn’t likely see an out-of-network doctor much often.
  • The plan can help you save a significant amount of money in monthly premiums.
  • You don’t travel much.

If it’s the opposite, a traditional Medigap plan may be a better choice for you.

Try Medicare SELECT Before Committing

This plan comes with an added advantage. It allows you to try the plan before committing to it for good. When you sign up for a Medicare SELECT plan, you have 12 months to switch to a standard Medicare Supplement plan without underwriting. So, if you feel it’s not working well for you, you can opt out.

Also, it may not be the absolute best supplemental insurance plan. It comes with its fair share of advantages and limitations. But, it certainly makes Medicare (and ultimately health care) more accessible by offering coverage for the gaps in Original Medicare at a lower rate. It is an option worth considering if you struggle with Medicare costs. Visit our website and shop both Medicare Supplement plans and medicare advantage. @ myunitedinsurance.com